
Lean Data Management for Maintenance Value


Maintenance Value from Lean Data Management

The role of maintenance is highlighted in European manufacturing industry. A majority of new production-related investments are directed to countries outside Europe, so European companies must stay competitive while operating with relatively old equipment. The amount of different data available for maintenance decision makers is already extensive, and the rapid increase in the amount of sensors and for instance the Internet of Things are providing yet more data. The vast data provides possibilities for smart, autonomous assets but in practice the decision makers are challenged by issues related to the amount, quality, integration, and exploitation of maintenance data. In addition, maintenance engineers and managers master the technical aspects of maintenance but may struggle in communicating these to the company decision makers in terms of business value. Many companies are not succeeding in harvesting the value of the data in a best possible way.

Data management process

Data based maintenance management process

LeaD4Value (Lean data management for maintenance value) was a two-year (September 2017 – August 2019) research project funded from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project addressed the above issues through lean maintenance data management to realise increased business value. The project introduced process innovations to help industry exploit their maintenance data without extensive investments in hardware, software, and analytics knowhow.

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